The September Gathering & Sedona class 2017


It is our great pleasure to share with you the following information.

You make all the difference in this world.

Sometimes it might not seem like you are doing much that is changing the events around you, but you are.

By you staying centered instead of getting caught up in the agendas of others, is huge and real as an oak tree staying upright in a wind storm. Life really is what you think it is and will show up in that fashion.

Our challenge for you this month is ask yourself this question about your thoughts:

Is my head telling me it’s true or are my feelings letting me know? Knowing this is a huge distinction. See how many times your head tries to talk your feelings out of doing what’s right. This is the battle between belief programs or what you have been conditioned to believe and the knowing from your feelings what is true in the moment.

Have fun with this, it isn’t about making anyone or anything wrong – just noticing so you are not stuck in a belief that isn’t even yours. – The Masters of the Akashic Records

 I have some update for you about the Gathering and the Sedona Claim Your Life class.

First the Gathering is still September 21st through the 25th. Most days we will be staying at a goat ranch where we can do our sharing and work in the records. The evenings will be at volunteer housing or a hotel if you prefer.

If you want to ride horses, let me know ahead of time and I’ll arrange it with a different ranch otherwise there is Boerne downtown brunch, caves and shopping on unplanned days.

We have many local Records people so we will be filling the time with sharing information as well as 2 full days in the Records.

The second update is we have final dates for the Claim Your Life class combined with Being with Gongs in Sedona, Arizona – March 11th and 12th 2017. For people coming early to Sedona Faye will also have Wednesday the 8th with the Gongs at the same place.

I am excited that some of the Claim Your Life instructors are joining me to conduct this class. With the bonus of the Gongs by Faye, who is also a CYL instructor, it will be releasing ‘issues from the tissues’ big time. (Faye’s famous quote)

You can sign up soon but for right now save the dates!

Back to the present – My counselor and Social workers CEU classes are starting in June. Contact me if you’re interested in attending either the San Antonio or Houston classes.

Thank you for being part of my life! Boni


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