Best time to weed thoughts are Now

It’s time to weed the garden while the weeds are still small.

Every year we plant seeds that we hope will turn into productive plants. They produce food for us, food for friends and hopefully produce so abundantly that we have extra to sell.

As these seeds are growing into tall strong plants, there are a few weeds that get some of their water and fertilizer. If we catch those weeds while they are still small, they are easy to pull out of the ground. If we wait, they take more of the water, nutrients, space and sunshine from the plants we want to grow.

The same thing happens with our thoughts and new projects. If we let the distractions and nonessential thoughts take up our time, focus and energy, we don’t have what we need to give to the life we want.

It’s time to weed the garden by answering the following questions.

What do I value, love, want to keep in my life? What beliefs, opinions, and points of views support these things? How can I expand my values in my life?

What do I NOT value, NOT love, NOT want to keep in my life? What beliefs, opinions, and points of views support these things? Choose now to release these beliefs, opinions and points of views to the universe or give them back to whoever gave them to you originally.

How does your garden grow big and strong? With perseverance of focus and tending the needs of the self.

Thank you for being willing to grow. – The Masters of the Akashic Records.

Please notice I have put the Love Seat on Thursday the 11th, if that interferes with the Houston group’s Love Seat, let me know. The question is ‘what weed in my garden is still consuming my energy?’ Remember ask in the Records and bring your answer to the call. 559.726.1200 access code 827352#

Blessings, Boni

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