How do you know if you have a block?

A block being something that keeps you from having the things or relationships in your life that you want.

You avoid going places and you don’t know why. Sometimes you say to yourself – the energy isn’t right there.

You start acting like a 2, 3 or 5 year old around certain people.

You cry for no reason.

You notice you are not doing things like returning phone calls, opening the mail, returning emails or taking out the trash.

You feel defiant or rebellious.

You start talking to yourself in this way, why do I have to be the one to do Blank, why does it always has to be me that says I’m sorry, who says I have to do that, or any why you are justifying your behavior.

You start doing things in excess – smoking, drinking, sleeping, eating.

You start missing appointments, important appointments.

You avoid someone because you think they are going to punish you or tell you that you are wrong or bad.

These are just a few of the telltale signs that are like a red flag waving.

You are the person who is with you all the time, it’s up to you to notice the flag and heed the warning. You are the one person that knows the real truth.

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