I’m back from Singapore!

What a trip and what a country!

I met so many wonderful people. I was aware that Dr. David Hawkins has calibrated Singapore as the highest country in the world and now I believe it.

Talk about easy to work with, the people here were so in tune. I almost (almost) felt guilty having them pay my expenses they were so easy to train to access the Akashic Records.

Of course I always add a little Claim Your Life so they can have more understanding about the importance and depth they can go.

Imagine teaching a class or being in a class that when a shortfall is brought up people laugh instead of cry, get angry or pout. And if someone did tear up, it was from the overwhelming love they felt.

Maybe you have heard the term ‘ just like butter’, well that was what it was like.

And gracious, loving, giving and innocent all wrapped up in one huggable ball. Can you tell – I loved it!

We were told that in the middle of this 5 million person country, you could be on the street anytime of the day or night and feel safe. Well we aren’t used to big city living and we found ourselves on the street at 3 AM and felt completely safe.

People helped us ‘lost tourists’ everywhere we went – happily and even went out of the way to make sure we got on the right bus or MRT (their subway).

There were so many different nationalities in the people there, I thought at times we were in the US.

The Buddhist temples were everywhere, we had 3 within a block and again people showed us what to do to allow our prayers to go to heaven, while at the same time we could hear singing from the Christian church next door.

It was fun learning about all the peoples background and why their ancestors came there, this even sounds like the United States, and how they still enjoy the specialty restaurants that still serve those special dishes.

Talk about pottery, Doug was in pottery heaven. Once again Claire and Siew Cheng went out of there way to make sure Doug got to the potteries and translated when needed. Doug was so excited to connect with these potters that he told them he’ll do Facebook to keep in touch. This is a man that barely does email so you know he loved it.

The food was fabulous. If you want to know more about that you will have to talk to Doug. He tried every dish they make. Because of my iodine allergy, I was limited in this seafood mecca but they really know how to cook rice.

The 30 hour plane trip was the only thing that has taken a toll on us but well worth it and I got caught up on 8 movies and books on tape.

If they will have me, I will go back again as I am already missing the hugs from these gracious people.

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