it’s time to love your life

Hello and great day!

Every day you wake up is a good day. The days you awake with purpose is the best of all days.

So how can you have more of those days?

Stay on purpose, stay on your mission path and stay tuned in to your inner voice.

Yes mediation is great at the beginning of the day and take the feeling and connectedness with you every moment. Even if you can only touch into it a few minutes at a time doing the day, it will be worth it.

Some of you have yet to find an outlet for your purpose.

If this is true for you, show your purpose everywhere you go. Shopping, volunteering, and even cleaning your house or body can be done with the joy of purpose.

Start with ‘pretending’ your purpose is to show love in everything you do.

This will get you on the right track. After a few weeks of that it will become a habit and before you know it, you won’t be pretending anymore.

We know you have heard ‘fake it till you make it’. We aren’t asking you to be fake.

We are asking you to be like the child at heart you are. Letting your heart show is the best way to allow yourself to love life.

This time of year is perfect for that because everyone will just think you are full of the Christmas spirit, holiday cheer or New Year’s celebration.

Saying goodbye to everything that has happened in 2014 is a great way to spend the last few days of the year.

Once emptied out then you’ll be ready to start filling up again and you’ll have a whole year to take pleasure in.

Cherish every moment, love every minute, share as many smiles and warm thoughts that you can. – The Masters of the Akashic Records

First, thanks to all of you who have offered to sponsor my radio program. Because of your generosity I have decided to continue another year. Your support and leads for new interviewees has been very helpful and I couldn’t do it without you so thank you again. And keep sending me those wonderful inspiring people.

Once again our Radio Mama, Raven, has got us pushing ourselves with a new challenge. December 9th we are sharing information and processes we think will help you in all areas of your life. Our helpful hints to a more fulfilled life starts at 10 am central time and goes through 7 pm. I hope you enjoy it!

We have started an E-Magazine also and when I find out how to get it to you, I will.

Hope the holidays are joyous for you, and warm in body as well as heart.

Thank you again for being in my life!

This year as I send up the New Year rocket, I am including good health, wealth and happiness to everyone I have ever met, worked with, worked for as well as you who touch my heart daily.

Let’s make this last month count as the best month of the year.

Love to you all,

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